Northeast Ohio's Sewing & Quilting Megastore!

This class is to finish a project started with Bev in a class. Or, you can make the Mini Professional Tote. 1st Sunday of the month is for new students. 3rd Sunday of the month requires Bev's approval first.

Are you tired of being stuck at home and need to get out?! Come use our space and get some sewing done with no interruptions from home! This is not an ?instructed? class, simply a time slot for you to use our space and gain motivation to keep your projects going!

Now that you've bought your brand-new machine from Pins and Needles, it's time to learn how to use it! Join us for basic machine usage to learn your machine's basics and get started. You'll learn topics such as straight and zig-zag stitching, applique, twin needles, buttonholes, and more! Basic Machine Usage is a two-part class free with machine purchases from Pins and Needles. Machines not bought from us are welcome, but an additional class cost will apply. All students must purchase the $10 kit on the day of class; discounts do not apply. This kit must be brought to both classes. It includes one spool of Gutermann thread, 6" of ?" elastic, five pieces of 8" x 8" woven cotton squares, woven cotton applique shape approximately 4" x 4", 8" x 8" tear-away stabilizer or "Stitch-in-the-Ditch" paper, 6" x 6" wool, 8" x 8" jersey knit, 6" of ribbing, and a 10" x 10" quilt sandwich. Dates are subject to change. Class registration is required. If you cannot attend a class, please notify the store beforehand. Taking classes in order is recommended. Please note that classes will have a mix of brands and models of machines. The usage classes are general and designed to get you started with your machine and help you become comfortable with it. For more detailed instruction and techniques, consider signing up for some additional classes to further your knowledge & skills. Private lessons are available for $30/hour, and you may tailor the topics to your own needs. Call the store at 440-243-6400 to sign up today!